Twilight Sedation- "Sleep Dentistry"
(Currently unavailable)
Would you prefer to "sleep" through your dental treatment?...
Sometimes, you may prefer to relax through your dental treatment
through sedation. Sedation can help you feel calm and detached
through the dental procedure. In fact many patients forget
they had work done after sedation.
If you are particularly fearful, have had bad past experiences,
suffer from strong gag reflexes or just prefer to drift through your
treatment, intravenous sedation is offered at our practice. (subject
to availability and special arrangement*).
Penshurst Dental is set up to enable patients to receive
comprehensive dentistry under sedation, safely, and effectively. Under certain circumstances it may be possible to complete all dental treatment in one sedation session.
Many patients are surprised to discover that they didn't need sedation for
most procedures. A gentle caring approach will help you gain confidence,
reducing risks and costs and improving your oral health.
Please contact us to enquire or to book an assessment of your
sedation treatment needs.