Smile Gallery

 Custom Resins are here!  SIngle visit. Walk out with a new smile in under an hour.

before custom resins   after custom resins

Zoom advanced 1 hour bleaching. 


Before........                                                        ........        After



Another zoom case!

We love to Zoom! As long as the teeth are healthy and have no holes, we can in most cases achieve a much whiter smile. A custom variation in the Zoom protocol is used.

In these cases which responded very well, the contrast was so great you will notice that the "white balance" of the camera was affected.


Gap closure and realignment with Composite resins in a single visit 1 hour

Composite resins can fix decay problems and look good too. This is a typical result, no custom resin staining was needed in this case.


Implants can look natural and feel natural


Ask About our Custom Smile Makeover

Aesthetic, natural, harmonious, painless, reversible smile makeover in one day with artistic flair. Possibly life-changing. No cutting of teeth. In fact no needles are required and not even an Aspirin. Custom design: Tell us what you desire. Minimal downtime. The bulk of our unique custom smile makeover is completed within one day. Very cost effective for nice us now to enquire or book in. Every case is different and Dr Lee will need to assess your case individually to see if our technique is suitable for you.


before custom smile 1 before custom smile 2


(Special thanks to our wonderful patient for letting us share her results.)